Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Waste -get rid of it!

Hey folks,

Do you remember at the end of your vacation, your parents would give you a worm-out or a purge? Do parents still do that? Anyway, my mother insisted on giving me one and I don't live at home anymore. While I was sitting on the toilet, i thought about getting rid of waste and the process. All the waste that we keep in our bodies, mind, heart and lives.

As it is Lent, and not only because it is Lent, we should take this opportunity to get rid of the waste that may be slowing us down - those in the body and those out of the body. Waste, as defined by Wikipedia: unwanted or undesired material. We all have waste in our lives. Now, I'm not saying to put yourself through the discomfort of a purge, but there are fibre foods that can help get rid of waste. I'm not a dietitian, so do your own research. However, I advise with regards to your emotional and somewhat, spiritual health, and I'm saying purge the negatives in your lives. These include, BAD relationships, friendships, colleagues, any one or thing that brings negativity to your day.

If you don't want conflict with your colleagues, avoid them. If the man or woman in your life is bringing you down, let them go. It is high time that we start loving our selves, unconditionally.

So, if you have not cleaned out your room, house or heart since whenever, it is time for a purge. It should be a course; do it until you are burden free and light on your feet. Life has so much more alternatives that the one you are currently on. A friend told me once that life is not easy, but I don't believe that it suppose to be THIS hard. Let's lighten our burdens, starting today.

Enjoy your day, got to run.

Be Blessed!

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