Thursday, February 14, 2008

Love Anonymous

I stayed up looking at television, last night. With the slim choices of
good programs, I found myself looking at One Tree Hill. Do not ridcule
me, there was nothing else to watch.

The thing is every single show we view, series, program, or movie the
underlying essence is Love. What is this thing called Love? Why do we so
desperately search, yearn and die trying to find Love, knowing that the
end result is hurt and despair? Too many of us walk into emotionally
disastrous situations with our eyes and our legs open. Why?

It is said that a satisfying life is not complete without love. Even in
the series, last night, one of the characters had everything - own
business, fame, money and she was still unhappy. Yet still, we who have
so much less complain incessantly about our unhappiness. Is it only Love
we all crave? It seems that Love, Horn and AIDS are common denominators.
Rich, poor, famous, man, woman, black and white are all subjected to the
inevitable - Hurt. Again, why do we want Love?

In an idealistic time, long ago, I believed that one could love like
you've never been hurt. Who the fuck believes that? Pardon my french.
Really,are we walking headless chickens? Every time we enter into
another game of hearts, we remember what the last opponent put us
through, and we protect ourselves. The saddest thing, though is that we
eventually succumb, thinking that this game would have a different
outcome, guess what, hell fucking no. Same shit; different person.

Nonetheless, we persevere. We suffer our hearts, our minds, sometimes
even our children just to get the sweet nectar of love. Love = Heroin.
Maybe we should have a Love Anonymous, rehab for the broken hearted.

If you are hurting, depressed or even angry, know that you are not
suffering alone and that it will end with Time. You will move on, you
will heal with a scar and the irony is, you will get hurt again.

Love on, Love Strong.

Be Blessed!

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